Our Work.

What We Do

We share the view that the development needs of the people in our commu- nities are as diverse as the challenges they face.

The environment that people live in is constantly changing

The changes are principally brought about by the multi-dimensional development of the modern world. For example, today’s lives are intricately affected by the speed and direction of the globalized technological, social, economic, and environmental develop- ment. Hence, unless the poor in our communities are appropriately equipped and empowered to take advantage of the opportunities brought about by such development, the gap between the “haves” (the rich) and “the have nots” (the poor) is likely to widen. Given the wide diversity of the develop- ment needs of the people on the ground and the quest of the Trust to attain the highest possible level of efficiency, it is necessary that the interventions made are properly structured. Therefore, the Trust focuses on the following areas:

Capacity Building

The United Nations (UN) says that capacity building is the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes, and resources that communities and organizations need to survive, adapt, and thrive in the fast-changing world.

The main interest in the capacity building effort is the vulnerable people so that they have the right capacity in the form of knowledge and technical skills as tools that will help them change their attitudes and behavior. The Trust, therefore, employs a wide range of capacity-building and empowerment tools. Some of the tools are training, mentorship, experience sharing, and coaching.

Technology & Innovation

Many people and organizations are prevented from participating fully in soci- etal debates because they are digitally and technically isolated.

Technology helps give a voice and power to people within the larger development eco- system. Modern technologies can empower communities to create a better future for themselves. However, effective application of digital technologies in communities is hampered by a lack of skills, as well as access to and the high cost of technologies. It is true that basic skills and the ability to use digi- tal technologies would significantly enable people to increase productivity and profitability, increase their market reach, and expand the scope of goods and services. Since the application of technologies triggers innovation, the Trust wants communities to be empowered. Although the widespread appli- cation of technologies has transformed almost every aspect of our lives, there are still huge gaps to be filled.

Therefore, and in order to support technological change, The Fungua Trust provides a platform for raising communities’ awareness of digital technolo- gies so that community members realize some socio-economic benefits. Due to the emerging need to improve service delivery and the growing competi- tion in different economic sectors, this intervention will provide solutions and help address the challenges related to the provision of quality services and goods within the nation and beyond.

Climate Change & Environment

As a global challenge, climate change requires joint and collective initiatives from regional as well as global players. Since climate change is a global challenge, it excessively affects the African region.

Africa has frequently experienced floods and extreme droughts that kill hundreds of people, damage or destroy communication infrastructure, trigger power shortages, and disrupt the means of livelihoods, while at the same time rendering thou- sands of people homeless. Drought leads to an extreme scarcity of food for millions of people in Africa. Significant increases in temperature and sea water levels, changing precipitation patterns, and other conditions of weath- er variability are in many ways a threat to human health and safety, food and water security, as well as the overall socio-economic development of Africa.

Therefore, it is critically important that Tanzania and other African countries step up their efforts to protect vulnerable people from the adverse effects of climate change. This is especially very important now, as the continent is more and more exposed to factors that amplify the effects of climate change. The populations in African cities are increasing at a much faster rate than their abilities to improve their living conditions grow. In 2022, we saw a con- vergence of multiple crises that collectively added to the pressure generated by the effects of climate change. The relentless spread of COVID-19, the Rus- sia-Ukraine war, disruptions in the food supply chains, and the high con- sumption of polluted commodities put Africa in an even more vulnerable position. It is out of the fear that things may get out of hand that the Trust strongly believes that immediate interventions are required, interventions which shall help to reduce the negative impact of climate change, thereby enhancing the society’s resilience.

If we are unable to stop climate change from impacting negatively on the environment, we will face severe consequences. For instance, numerous species, habitats, birds, trees, and aquatic life are at risk. Furthermore, a continued rise in temperature will cause high demand for water. Higher tem- perature will significantly reduce the amount of water in certain periods (flooding). At The Fungua Trust, our aspiration is to work with various stake- holders in contributing to the pursuit of a positive global cause.

Research & Publication

Learning, education, and close access to research is key to building a knowl- edge-based society. Research generates knowledge or information on various challenges or issues that affect people’s lives.

Research will be attained more effectively if the people directly affected by the challenges to be dealt with participate in identifying, analyzing, and addressing the problems that affect their lives. Research also provides accurate and timely information on the needs, attitudes, and motivations of a particular community.

Research findings are published and shared with the public and, thus, con- tribute to a body of literature that is beneficial to other communities with similar challenges. The publication of research findings is also vital in ensur- ing that people and other stakeholders have credible, up-to-date information. So, in order to help people from diverse backgrounds access this informa- tion, the Trust uses different media in disseminating and publishing the infor- mation. They include traditional media (television, radio, and print), social media, the Internet, as well as the word of mouth.

The Fungua Trust carries out research in order to bring about positive change and improve upon a specific condition in society. Through research or scien- tific observations, the Trust will continually undertake formal as well as informal assessments of what needs to be done and how best to do it. The Trust firmly believes that in order for research to have the intended impact, findings must be made available to as many people as possible in a timely manner.

Where We Work

Empower People within Tanzania and Beyond

Distance doesn’t diminish our mission.

Whenever we feel we have succeeded in life it is because at some point someone listened to us, believed in us, and gave us a chance

Dr Shogo Mlozi Sedoyeka (Ph.D)​
Founder & CEO